Wings Initiative Flying High

Thousands of Items Donated

Wings Initiative Flying High

John Quinn ('23) and Sachin Patel ('23)

The Wings Initiative, a newly-formed international organization dedicated to donating used clothing for children in need, has recently emerged at RMHS and grown its presence quickly.

The club has donated over 5000 items of clothing in the last seven months. The process of donation pick-ups aims to efficiently get used clothing, books, and toys out the door.  It’s a simple message, email, or form request on the website, and then an exchange at a convenient time and location for the donor.

The Wings Initiative utilizes social media to promote the organization and recognize those who have donated. Their page can be found on instagram @rmhs_wingsinitiative. This promotion method allowed them to interact with people all over the Reading community. However, inside RMHS, they started a club where students have organized events, such as the upcoming donation races for Reading sports teams and  pop-up thrift stores. Around sixty members have made donations and collected roughly 1200 items consisting of toys, books, and clothing. With the club at the school, the network of picks-up has grown to the point where they have elected club officers to help manage the load.

The club mainly donates to large non-profit organizations, however, the RMHS chapter has chosen to donate to local charities as well. These include Amvets Posts 41, a local charity for providing to veterans in Haverhill, and Ruth’s House in Haverhill. 

The RMHS branch is advised by Mr. Bosco and founded by Thomas Gallegos (‘23), Nick Mazzarella (‘23), Leo Gosdanian (‘23), and Sachin Patel (‘23). Charlie Benjamin originally founded Wings at Phillips Andover Academy as a junior. It began as a way for people to easily donate clothes during the pandemic while still maintaining social distancing and other protocols. Charlie reached out to these students and asked them to start a branch of this organization at their school. Soon after, they developed a large following and started to help with the organization as a whole, helping to recruit other high schools.

When asked about the donation process of the Wings Initiative, one donor, senior Colby Robinson replied, “It was super easy. I have a busy schedule and couldn’t go in and donate. So, one of the members, Nick Mazzerella, came and picked up my donation at nine o’clock one night.” Club Officer Sam Szecsenyi, another senior at RMHS, said, “This is the experience that the club strives to provide.” When asked what sets the Wings Initiative apart from other charitable organizations, he mentioned: “The unique pick-up method where they meet you at your time and location.”

The Wings Initiative meets on the first Wednesday of every month in Mr. Bosco’s room.