Two Events Canceled

Misster RMHS was canceled for 2023.
May 23, 2023
Two anticipated spring events–Misster RMHS and the Senior Lock-in–were canceled this year.
Misster RMHS has been a long-standing tradition at RMHS. It’s a contest to crown the next Misster RMHS by showing off student’s talents anywhere from a comedic act, to singing, to dancing. This event was originally for senior boys only. However, in 2003, the school began to allow girls to compete. The event officially changed its name to Misster RMHS a few years ago to include the girls who are willing to sign up. This year, only 4 acts signed up for the event.
The senior lock-in is a new event created just this year by the class of 2023 office. This event was an all-night party for seniors based in the Field House with games, raffles, and breakfast. However, not enough students responded to the survey that was sent out.
Lack of Interest?
Senior Class Vice President Liam Synnott says the main reason for the cancellations had to do with a lack of interest. “For both of the events, at least for Misster RMHS, we weren’t getting a lot of signups for people who wanted to participate,” he said.
When asked about the cancellation of the lock-in, Synnott says the reason is due to the lock-in only being able to be scheduled after senior classes were out. “A lot of people weren’t interested in coming back to school after they had already left,” he said. Senior class president Nora Flahrety agrees. “The lock-in is hard to commit to as well. Since it’s an all night party, students were worried about spring sports happening at the time and not getting enough sleep.” However, only 17% of seniors responded to the Senior Lock-in survey.
Senior class advisor Mrs. Hopkinson thinks that it isn’t just because of lack of interest, but scheduling conflicts. “I wouldn’t necessarily say lack of interest but scheduling conflicts. Both were scheduled on [the] Friday of a long weekend.”
When asked personally of how she feels about the events being canceled, Mrs. Hopkinson doesn’t believe it was with bad intentions. “The seniors have taken part in a lot of fun activities this year including Touchdown Tuesday, Sunday Night Lights, [and] boys volleyball tournament. And they will be excited to be part of the senior week activities.”
What could have been done differently?
When asked if more could have been done to generate more interest for Misster RMHS, Flarhety says communication amongst peers in person would have been a great way to boost interest. “The best form of communication is word-of-mouth and I think it traveled between students quickly I just don’t think the interest was there.”
The senior class officers believe that they could have advertised these events better by hanging up posters and more frequent Instagram posts. Synnott says, “It would have been a good idea to try to put up more posters around the school and put in the announcements more, just to get more interest.”
Mrs. Hopkinson says, “Activities that happen during the day–early release, or maybe not on a weekend–help students to be available.”
Replacements For These Events
Replacements for these events are in the making. Synnott says that there will be a “senior week of activities following Memorial Day weekend.” He adds, “We’re trying to get together some yearbook signing kinds of things, there’s always the senior slideshow, and we are trying to get an event like a barbecue together.” Senior class advisor Mrs. Glazier adds, “The senior BBQ will be a bigger event. The class officers have plans for senior week.” Mrs. Hopkinson includes what will be within senior week. “It includes the BBQ, Elementary school visit day, and Senior Sunrise.” She also adds, “All activities can be found in the newsletter sent out each week by Ms. Glazier and in the google classroom.”
Overall, Mrs. Hopkinson said, “The Senior Class Officers have been working all year to help plan the senior events, it is not a negative reflection on anyone when things do not work out. It just happens sometimes.” Mrs. Hopkinson adds she is “excited for all the senior events and believes for the most part, our seniors have made the most of their senior year.”