Meet Ms. Moylan

New Library Media Specialist Settling In

Timmy Duggan (’23)

Ms. Moylan is the new library media specialist at RMHS.

Timmy Duggan ('23), Co-editor

RMHS welcomes its latest staff member, Ms. Linda Moylan, as our new school librarian.

Coming from Peabody Public Schools as their district librarian, Moylan has been working in schools for about 9 years. Starting in Winchester with elementary students, then making the switch to working with teenagers, Moylan has been enjoying her fulfilling career.

She chose Reading to really “feel involved in a community and be a part of a team.” Moylan was looking for a supportive district, and feels Reading has so far accomplished that desire. Teachers and students have welcomed her with open arms, supporting the change in library leadership.

I asked Moylan some challenges she faced in just the short few months of this current school year: “Besides the different times I’m in the building, I used to get out of school at 1:50, I want to get more books into the library.” Moylan has noticed little to no books are being checked out and she hopes to grow the RMHS library this year to increase student engagement in reading. 

Changes have been made to the library for the 2022-2023 school year, aside from Ms. Moylan assuming the position, specifically the launch of the new Academic Lab. In order to accommodate Academic Lab students and teachers, the library is closed to kids in a study block. Different from last year, Moylan understands this shift for students, but encourages kids to continue to enjoy the space during Flex block and lunch.

To conclude I questioned: What does the future of the RMHS library look like? Moylan replied: “I would love to have guest author visits, like Ms. Burke often did. Having them come in and speak to students. Also, I hope to incorporate the Reading Public Library’s teen service librarian Meghan Mccabe to work with our students.”

Moylan answered she is open to holding a class in the future, similar to the popular Democracy in the Age of Social Media class Ms. Burke established.