Ski & Snowboard Club Flourishing
First Year Brings Two Trips
March 25, 2022
The new RMHS Ski and Snowboard Club held yet another successful ski trip on Sunday of this past weekend (3/13) at Ragged Mountain in New Hampshire.
At the beginning of the 2022 school year, this new club emerged. The Ski and Snowboard Club is open to all students of RMHS whether you’re a pro-skier or you’ve never touched snow before. Ms. Shea of the Math Department is the club advisor, and Jack Quinn(‘23) and Ally Clarkson(‘23) are the club presidents.
Clarkson and Quinn have put lots of time and effort into organizing both of this year’s ski trips, along with help from Ms. Shea. When discussing possible issues about the arrangement process of a trip Ms. Shea was delighted to mention, “I think we lucked out with the buses. We were able to have the same company as the first trip because we changed some dates around but they ended up being more affordable.”
Quinn spoke more to issues surrounding the RMHS Ski and Snowboard Club. While Quinn stated that there have not been any large issues with the trips, he did mention one challenge. “We just had to work some kinks out with people bringing all their equipment.” In addition, Ms. Shea also acknowledged that students are able to rent equipment at the mountain if need be.
When talking about the atmosphere of the Ski and Snowboard Club, Ms. Shea boasted about how encouraging the members are and the diverse skill levels that are represented in the club. “Many are taking lessons and renting equipment, and I feel like Jack has done a great job encouraging people to come that are not typical skiers,” Ms. Shea stated.
From a student perspective, Quinn was also able to speak to the encouraging environment of the Ski and Snowboard Club. “We have kids from all different grades so it’s kind of whoever wants to join can join and no one makes fun of you if you’re not the best skier ever.” As the Ski and Snowboard Club continues to grow, students are encouraged to join and enjoy the outdoor and social time that the RMHS Ski and Snowboard Club offers.
Jane Shea • Mar 28, 2022 at 3:41 pm
Nice Work Callie!
It was so fun to be a part of this club this year! We should acknowledge and thank Mr. Tracy and Mr. Skehan for all their help and for chaperoning!