Patterson Leads Senior Class
Class of ’22 President Connor Patterson on a recent day at RMHS.
December 12, 2021
Since the 2017-18 school year, Connor Patterson has served as the president of the Class of 2022, and continues to do so while leading the class office which has had to face new challenges in the midst of a declining, albeit ever-existing, pandemic.
As someone who strives to be a kind and respectable person, Patterson also emphasizes the importance of keeping strong relationships with teachers and peers alike. He knows that both his strengths and his weaknesses are shown often. “One of my weaknesses that’s been demonstrated was during the peak of the pandemic. A lot of people lost touch with each other and some with the school. We missed out on so much, and I honestly felt discouraged to try and organize events for our class. Because of this, I want to ensure that every student in the Class of 2022 has the opportunity to have the best possible year. It’s crazy to think our last normal year was our freshman year.”
While that may have been one of his weaknesses, he makes known what he believes are strengths that serve him well in his role, especially when it comes to events. “I try to be as approachable as possible,” he said, “I think that’s an important factor for having a leadership position in my grade. I’m not sure if that’s unique to me, but I think it played a key factor in my election. Since I haven’t been technically voted into office since freshman year I want to make sure no one is upset with the fact I still hold the position. It’s not uncommon for people to reach out to me about what class office is up to and what we’re planning. I think it’s really great for me, and the group, to be pretty transparent. The opinion of the class when planning events is super important. And we have quite a few coming up, thankfully including a prom.”
Ms. Bailey of the History Department is one of the new advisors for the 2022 Class Office. And in what could have been seen as a strange transition in the post pandemic year, with both of the previous advisors gone and two new ones in place, Patterson made sure that was not the case. “In class office he has taken a lot of initiative this year,” she said, “For example Ms. Hopkinson and I weren’t the class advisors last year, and Connor and a few of the class advisors and Mr. Tracey set out to get someone on board with that. He was a big factor in helping get new members on board and reach out to us.” She also points out how he is able to exhibit leadership whether in a class office meeting or in her B-block AP United States Government and Politics class. “In class he starts discussions, raises his hand often to contribute to the class, and brings his group back together when we get off topic, that sort of thing. And he’s a great class president largely because of his very outgoing personality. In that position, you have to be able to talk to different peers, teachers, and community members, and he is not afraid to do any of that.”