New Wind Ensemble Spreading Music and Fun

Dionysios Georgopoulos ('22), Orbit Contributor

This Thursday morning, a small group of eager albeit overtired band students arrived at RMHS as early as 7:15 to attend the first meeting of the new wind ensemble.

Under the loose advisory of RMHS Band Director Mr. Mulligan, this student-led group currently has a dozen members. Ranging from the grades of sophomores to seniors, and from the skill sets of active band students to some former members who haven’t played in quite a while, they are joined together following a joint effort among students to create an outlet for a musically driven but, nonetheless, busy student body.

“I’m hoping that people who don’t have room in their schedules to do band or don’t have time after school can have a way to meet up with fellow instrumentalists and have a chance to practice with others, and still get the same opportunity to play music, just like any of the other groups that we have,” says senior Smritha Srinivasan, a second-year band officer and one of the founders and leaders in the wind ensemble. “During the Spring of last year, a lot of people were talking about their schedules and how they wouldn’t be able to fit it because of all their classes. A lot of my friends were in that boat.”

Srinivasan urges any curious students to take advantage of the much more relaxed nature of the club, something that is not always a given with a curricular band class. “It’s a fun, very casual, and informal environment.” Although performances are possible, the ultimate goal of the club is largely centered around practice and performance as an individual group, and not necessarily with an audience. “It’s student-led, so we all are in a group just playing together in a very welcoming environment and we can play our own music and just vibe!”